Palmistry Mounts


The Mounts

The Mount of Jupiter

Jupiter This is situated at the base of the index finger. A well-developed mount is indicative of the person's leadership qualities. This person is also just, honest, optimistic and sociable. If the mount is flat, the person lacks confidence and a good personality. If the mount is over developed, the person is arrogant, proud, idle and egoistic. A small line between the Heart and Head lines on this mount indicates acquisition of wealth.

The Mount of Saturn

Saturn This mount is situated at the base of the middle finger. If it is well developed, the person possesses a good sense of responsibility and is concerned with seeking wisdom. If overdeveloped, with long fingers, the person is cold, distant and an introvert. If the mount is flat, the person is outgoing and optimistic.


The Mount of Apollo

Apollo This mount is set at the base of the ring finger. If the mount is well developed, the person is warm and optimistic, radiating enthusiasm. If it is flat, the person is cold and cynical, lacking appreciation of the finer things in life. If it is overdeveloped, this person is brash, insensitive, and loves to hear the sound of his/her own voice.


The Mount of Mercury

Mercury This mount is situated at the base of the little finger. A well-developed mount is indicative of a person who loves to travel a lot, and is a go-getter. If it is overdeveloped, the person is a glib talker and a consummate liar. This person is also the regular Casanova. If it is flat, the person is shy, diffident or just plain dull.


The Mount of Moon

Moon This is situated at the base of the palm, opposite the thumb. A well-developed mount shows a person who is compassionate, caring, creative and blessed with an incredible zest for life. If it is flat, it shows imagination and a sense of empathy.



The Mount of Venus

Venus This is set under the thumb. If the mount is well developed, the person is warm and generous. This person leads an active social life, and is an interesting companion. If over developed, it shows an extremely greedy person, who eagerly grabs worldly pleasures with both hands. If it is flat, it shows a lack of vitality and passion, and the person is cold and selfish.


The Mount of Mars

Mars The upper Mars mount lies between the head line and beginning of the heart line. The lower Mars mount is near the thumb, at the beginning of the heart line. The middle Mars mount, is in the centre of the palm. A very soft plane of Mars shows a highly self-centered person. A thick, well-developed, and firm Mars plane shows abounding energy and an outgoing nature.