Introduction to Tarot
The mystique of the Tarot cards
combines astrology, numerology, symbology, and the occult
to reveal insights into the past, present and future.
A Tarot reading gives you an insightful look at your
personal relationships and work situations, while suggesting
breakthroughs and positive changes. The more you trust
the Tarot the more secrets, answers and details it discloses.
This ancient meditative discipline grants us access
to higher levels of consciousness and an understanding
of the inner self.
Readings can be short when a particular question is
answered or a certain issue discussed. Readings can
be longer and in detail for individuals, couples and
groups when physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
aspects are explored.
More about Tarot Cards
There are usually 78 cards in the Tarot pack, which
is divided into two, referred to as the Major and Minor
Arcana. The Major Arcana cards symbolise the elements,
planets and Zodiac signs. The Minor Arcana are presented
as Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. They express
spiritual, emotional, mental and physical energies,
in that order. The royalty cards in each suit, that
is, the Knight, Queen, Prince and Princess, symbolise
people, characteristics and qualities. There are ancient
ritualistic layouts that reveal different aspects in
their set placements. Other mysteries are revealed through
meditative and intuitive interpretation and reading
of the Tarot Cards.
Every card in the Tarot pack has a numerical value and
an astrological reading, besides the universal pictorial
symbols. The Tarot is universal, since the symbols are
from different cultures and parts of the world. For
example, there is the Ardhnareshwera from India, the
Yin and Yang from China, the Egyptian Ankh, the royalty
titles from Europe, the Hierophant from Greece, the
Torah and Hebrew alphabet from Israel, the Fool of the
Celts, and so on.
The Origin of Tarot
The origin of Tarot cards is shrouded in mystery!
Tarot cards are mentioned in ancient accounts and books,
and documented in old parchments and artefacts from
the thirteenth century. It probably had its origins
in India, Iran or China, and may have been brought to
the West by Gypsies, returning Crusaders or the Arab
invaders of Spain. The Tarot embodies the wisdom of
ancient Egypt, pagan Celtic traditions, and the symbolism
of Dante's Divine Comedy. The word 'Tarot' could have
originated from 'Tarrock' or 'Tarrochi', believed to
be card games in Europe.
An interesting theory springs from Papus, the Key to
Occult Science, which explains that ancient Egyptian
priests designed the deck as one way of preserving their
secrets for initiates of future ages. These secrets
were developed in a symbolic manner.
Other schools of thought believe tarot cards are a record
of the secret teachings of underground religious groups,
occultists and spiritual societies in Europe. The origin
of tarot, however, can safely be attributed to the Gnostics,
an early Christian sect.
Another popular concept links the origin of tarot to
the legendary 'Book of Thoth' containing teachings of
the secret schools of Egypt and Hebrew philosophy. The
symbols and illustrations on the cards of the Major
Arcana could be from the Cabala, a mystical Jewish tradition
and system that attributes divine powers to numbers
and letters.
The most popular theory is that Tarot was created in
ancient Egypt, and brought to Europe around the fourteenth
century by wandering tribes of Gypsies, who are dark-haired,
olive-skinned and probably of Asian origin.
Significant persons and spiritual movements have contributed
to the evolution and explanation of the Tarot cards.
New Tarot decks are being created even today with different
visuals and explanations. The term, 'on the cards' is
used frequently when an event or happening is foreseen
and likely to happen.
How it works
There is no logical or rational explanation for why or how the Tarot works, but it works! The Tarot is like an empty, silent, meditative being, a mirror that reflects everything standing before it. In the same way, a sensitive, receptive, non-judgmental consultant who can distance himself from his personality can mirror and reflect people and situations in their totality. An individual is a living entity who carries his or her past, present and future with him, and when he stands before a mirror all is reflected, and some truths, surprises and uncanny insights are revealed. Astrology, symbology and the occult are combined with the Tarot cards as helpful instruments to reveal details and give an accurate answer and time for events. A person's aura, energy, vibrations and body language express and reveal patterns and qualities of the individual as well.
How authentic is an online system?
If you are open, receptive, relaxed and non-judgmental,
you are likely to get a very good reading. It also affords
insights to the present and directions for the future
by highlighting your strong points and making you aware
of weak points or pitfalls.
A Tarot reading indicates a path that you can follow
with your wisdom and awareness, while maintaining a
balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
levels of consciousness. One needs to be light and open
to enjoy a reading and celebrate life, whatever it brings!
However, it's also unwise to be frivolous or analytical
about a reading.
Eighty percent is predictable, but twenty percent is
beyond all prediction and that twenty- percent adds
the magic and mystery to our lives.
Instructions for handling Tarot cards
There are rituals to be observed when a Tarot reading
is conducted. Three deep breaths and releasing tension
will calm the seeker. A peaceful, quiet atmosphere and
a meditative, silent space within relaxes your breathing
and helps to establish a rhythm or connection between
the seeker, the Tarot and the reader. The mind needs
to be blank and rid of any bias, judgment or preconceived
Having a question clearly defined and formulated helps
to get clarity within and to infuse the right energy
to get accurate answers.
Tarot cards should be treated with reverence and respect;
rock crystals can be used to magnify and convey healing
energy and transmit positive ideas. Aromas can also
be healing, and they intensify moods and readings.
A spiritual message at the end of the reading leaves
you in a higher space or dimension, so you can gain
a balanced perspective.